Christmas family pictures – beards and dogs.

Two years ago my family agreed to support my transitioning by making it a tradition to take pictures of me and my brothers for Christmas, for future comparison. ❤

IMAG4231 As this Christmas was the last one before we can expect serious changes in my appearance due to me starting on hormone treatment, our genetic basis for beard-growth was much discussed.

IMAG4203My youngest little brother, who happened to be dressed as my look-a-like, he is blessed or cursed with not much facial hair. But my father and the other two have it the other way around, so it is not easy to know what I’m to expect.

It doesn’t really matter to me if I’ll have a beard or not, I’ll propably shave it all off anyway. When it comes to changes, I’m mostly looking forward to a bit more muscular features and a deeper voice. Increased hairyness all over is something I’ll just have to deal with, it comes in the package no matter what I think of it.

My dog made his first visit in my family home at Christmas eve and he was on his very best behavior. (He also got the most Christmas-gifts, lots of candy, so Santa must have known how nice ha has been all along!)

IMAG4165My sister and my three brothers, we grew up with two hunting dogs in the house. It sort of felt like things was back in order, now with my Basilard in the sofa, even if the dogs back then was to well raised to even be allowed in the living room. Everybody was glad to have him there, he made me really proud of him!


All in all, both me and my new companion had a very good Christmas, and we hope you did to.

/ E.

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